Category Archives for "Hi-Tech"

Green web solutions for your business

internet écologique

Whatever your activity, a website can help you generate business and promote your brand awareness among your customers and prospects. Whether your business is small, large or mid-sized, well-established or new. Having a website is an essential investment to develop your company. HostPapa offers all the green web solutions a business needs to succeed online. […]

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How to create a green website ?

internet écologique

A website is known to be very energy-intensive and not very ecological, its electricity consumption is indeed among the main causes of digital pollution. According to a 2019 study, digital technology will account for nearly 3.8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Typically, web hosters’ data centres have several thousand computers and high-powered servers that use CPUs […]

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Digital Pollution: What is it?

déchets électroniques pollution digitale

Digital pollution includes all sources of environmental pollution produced by digital tools. It is divided into two parts: the first is related to the manufacture of any digital tool, and the second to the functioning of the Internet. Increasingly, the internet and the digital sector are being singled out for their environmental impact. Today, some people […]

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Free-floating electric scooters : Is it really eco-friendly ?

trottinette électrique paris

They are now found in most major cities around the world. Free-floating electric scooters, presented by their operators as an green alternative for micro-mobility. They would not actually be so eco-friendly. It is true that 40% of car journeys are made over a distance of less than 3km. Thus, the electric scooter can at first sight […]

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Why and how to recycle electronic waste?

déchets électroniques pollution digitale

In industrialised countries, electronic waste represents between 20 and 50 million tonnes of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) per year. WEEE contains highly polluting materials for soils. As heavy metals, organic compounds whose combustion is carcinogenic and sometimes gases that can be extremely harmful to the environment. This waste is composed of polluting materials, but also […]

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Blockchain : What is its impact on the environment ?

blockchain table

Blockchain, crypto-currencies, nodes, ledgers, are just some of the most popular terms in the field of new technologies. Yet the meaning of these terms can often be unclear. Let’s try to understand them by answering some of the most common questions in this area. What is the blockchain ? How it works ? What are […]

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Planned obsolescence : What’s this ?

vieux ordinateurs

Planned obsolescence refers to the voluntary reduction of the life of a product by the manufacturer in order to increase its consumption. According to French law, which punishes this practice since 2016. The planned obsolescence is “the set of techniques by which a marketer aims to deliberately reduce the life of a product to increase […]

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Greenwashing : What’s this ?


In parallel with public awareness of the environment and sustainable development, today more and more companies are communicating and orienting their marketing actions towards ecological positioning.This practice is called “greenwashing”. Its goal is to create an advantage by appearing as a “green” company responsible for the environment. In order to praise higher prices, have more […]

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Future trends in urban mobility


URBAN MOBILITY TODAYThe big cities of tomorrow are shaping today according to technical and technological possibilities, but also societal and environmental issues. Levels of pollution and traffic jams are irritations of everyday life in urban areas, and the situation could become much worse. It is estimated that by 2030, 60% of the world’s population will live […]

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