Why Practice Yoga Outdoors ?

Yoga is a discipline originating from India. It mixes meditation and body exercises and has conquered the whole world.

The practice of yoga is strongly linked to a way of life that promotes physical and mental well-being, both for oneself and for others. In this sense, yoga enthusiasts often have a strong ecological sensitivity.

Who has never felt a deep sense of well-being and relaxation during a long walk in the forest, in the mountains or by the sea?

Decrease in blood pressure, respiratory problems, stress but also improvement of immunity. The impact of nature and green spaces on our mental health and emotions is confirmed by numerous studies.

In the same way, the practice of yoga provides an outlet for introspection and a connection with oneself so powerful, that it happens even in a crowded yoga class.

And while many of us regularly practice yoga in a studio. It is in beaches, mountains, parks and quiet little corners of nature that our yoga can become the most sacred experience.

Why is there this close connection between yoga and nature? Why do we have this attraction and need to connect to the outdoors? I help you discover here why practice yoga outdoors!

yoga extérieur plage

Nature is the greatest source of Prana

Praṇa is a Sanskrit term. Its meaning is complex because it simultaneously integrates the notions of breath and vital principle of the breath and its organic manifestation in the breath.

Prana is the sea of universal energy that infuses and vitalizes all matter. The concept of prana exists in many cultures. The Chinese call it "chi" or "qi", the Japanese call it "ki". Maori culture called it "mana" and the Greeks called it "pneuma". In the Hindu tradition, prana is the vital breath at the base of all others.

To be in nature is to be immersed in the greatest source of Prana, or vital energy that exists. It manifests itself in the wind, in the energy of food and in what we draw from nature. It is this vital force that animates everything and makes us feel refreshed, soothed and filled with energy again.

Yoga outdoors = Immediate connection

Being surrounded by nature awakens the senses. When you concentrate your energies during your yoga practice in nature, you anchor your supports directly on the ground, element of the Earth. Contact with the grass or sand helps to stimulate the senses. All your senses are awake. Smell, sight and touch activate certain areas of the brain through which you become more present.

Yoga teachers often invite students to "reach out to the earth" or "look up to the sky" while practicing indoors. However, by practicing yoga outside, these instructions become more than just figurative language. You can actually touch the earth. Feel the grass between your fingers. And when you look at the sky, you can see the clouds move in the breeze or watch the birds pass by.

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Practicing Yoga outdoors is free!

Practicing yoga outdoors costs nothing! No need to pay for a studio, or to be a member of a fitness club. If you feel comfortable practicing yoga alone, then find your favorite place, put on your eco-friendly yoga mat and take the time to enjoy your session.

On the other hand, if you are a beginner, I still recommend video yoga lessons that you can follow at any time and from anywhere.

How is Yoga practiced in India?

Asanas (or postures) of yoga are often presented as exercises that have their origin in the Vedas, so many thousands of years ago. A time when yoga was first and foremost meditation.

In India, yoga is peaceful and quiet (sometimes the teacher does not say a word), we meditate for 20 to 30 minutes before and after and maintain our positions much longer.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali include ethical guidelines (yamas and niyamas), postures (asanas), work on breathing (pranayama), introspection ability (pratyahara), concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana) and the state of fulfillment, freedom, happiness and contentment (samadhi - the ultimate goal of yoga).

Yoga in the West is widely practiced in yoga centers equipped with all modern equipment. Yet according to the belief of yogis in India, the best way to learn yoga is to follow the nature and traditional techniques listed. This is why it is practiced mainly outdoors at sunrise and sunset.