Category Archives for "At Home"

The benefits of buying sustainable products

mode durable

The mass use of non-sustainable products around the world is damaging the health of consumers while exerting heavy pressure on the environment. It is therefore urgent to intervene by rethinking consumer habits to ensure an effective transition to sustainable products. Indeed, non-sustainable products contain harmful chemical substances whose long-term use degrades people’s well-being. They are a […]

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How to filter water ?

gourde filtrante pliable humagreen

As a general rule, in so-called developed countries it is not necessary to filter tap water before drinking it. However, contrary to what many people think, drinkable water does not exist in its natural state. In the majority of cases, it must still undergo several treatments in order to comply with standards. This is why, […]

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How to spend an eco-friendly Christmas ?

Bordalo II streetart xmas consume

Christmas is fast approaching! What was once a religious holiday to celebrate sharing, where time was mainly spent with family and friends. Today, for many people, it has become synonymous with stress, overconsumption and guilt. Certainly, Christmas is for many people always a magical time. The opportunity to meet up with your loved ones to please […]

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Why and how to recycle electronic waste?

déchets électroniques pollution digitale

In industrialised countries, electronic waste represents between 20 and 50 million tonnes of WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) per year. WEEE contains highly polluting materials for soils. As heavy metals, organic compounds whose combustion is carcinogenic and sometimes gases that can be extremely harmful to the environment. This waste is composed of polluting materials, but also […]

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Save money and respect the environment? Its possible !

ampoule feuille verte économies

Due to the rapidly deteriorating health of our planet, we are now more and more willing to act for positive change, but do not always know how. Becoming greener is one thing we all know we should try to do in our daily lives, but this may seem like a daunting task for a beginner. The […]

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Why and How to Recycle Organic Waste?

compost matière organique

Organic waste represents 35% of the contents of our garbage cans, about 100 kg per inhabitant and per year! Recycling organic waste can reduce the contents of our trash and thus the volume of household waste to be treated by the community. Less waste to treat also means less CO2 from collecting, burning or storing waste. In short, it is […]

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Bicarbonate of soda: The ecological powder that does it all !

bicarbonate de soude

I have to admit, until recently, I thought that bicarbonate of soda, also known as baking soda, was a chemical. I think maybe because of his name. So I was quite surprised when I learned that not at all. On the contrary, bicarbonate is a 100% natural product that is really used to do everything. We can even say […]

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Greenwashing : What’s this ?


In parallel with public awareness of the environment and sustainable development, today more and more companies are communicating and orienting their marketing actions towards ecological positioning.This practice is called “greenwashing”. Its goal is to create an advantage by appearing as a “green” company responsible for the environment. In order to praise higher prices, have more […]

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The best alternatives to plastic bottled water

We all know it now the excessive use of plastic has serious consequences on our health and the environment. Plastic water bottles are waste generators, each year, are sold and consumed about 80 billion bottles of water, and in Europe the average recycling rate of plastic packaging is only 40.9%, knowing that the plastic takes […]

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10 simple tips to live an eco-friendly life


If you are determined to live a more eco-friendly life and are tired of waste. You must feel a little overwhelmed by all the big changes to adopt. Undertaking something new can be stressful when you do not know where to start. Rest assured, you have already taken the most difficult step: decide to change! Focus […]

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